| AIM S.A. (CH) Clinical research services www.aimsa.ch
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 | ComelFex AG (CH) Information technology services www.comelfex.com
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 | DrugConsult.Net (DE) Virtual research and drug development organization www.drug-consult.net
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| HQC Hellwig Quality Consulting (DE) ISO 9000ff services, EFQM assessments
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| intelligent Performance Group (CH) Business process development and simulation services
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 | isomehr GmbH (DE) GLP and GMP quality assurance services in Europe www.isomehr.com
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 | Lehmann Horat Partners AG (CH) Business development and marketing support www.lhphartners.ch
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 | Livec AG (CH) LIMS, IT quality management and computer validation (predominantly in GLP) www.livec.ch
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| MeDiaPharm Consult (DE) Quality systems in medical devices, in vitro diagnostics and pharmaceutical products
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 | MWA Marion Weinreb & Associates, Inc. (US) Consulting services in GCP, GLP and GMP compliance www.gmpsrus.com
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 | zur.ch AG (CH) Business consulting services www.zur.ch
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